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Website Policy

Website Policy of Fierce Ladies


This is the Website Policy of Fierce Ladies or Fierce L ("FL") founded by Start2Connect BVBA, Opperbusingenstraat 58, 1750 Lennik, VAT BE 0478.989.265, duly represented by Elke Jeurissen as manager. The website and the content of the website are managed by FL.


1.         General provisions


Use of the website is subject to the following provisions. Access to and use of this website implies that the user unconditionally and irrevocably accepts the following Website Policy, as well as the General Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, without any reservation. If the user cannot agree with the provisions below or included in the documents mentioned above, we ask the user to leave the website. 


2.         Website policy


The following Website Policy applies. We have the right to amend these terms at any time without notice.


a) The use of the website will not create a partnership between parties.


b) The information on this website is only intended to provide general information about the activities and services of FL. The information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances, not tailor made and can therefore not be seen as professional or personal advice for the user. FL makes no warranty nor statement about the accuracy or completeness of the information on the website.


c) The content of this website, including contact details, layout, copy rights, designs, logos, brand names, trade names, drawings, internet domain names, texts, images, photos, etc. are protected by intellectual property rights that are used by or are property of FL. These intellectual property rights are in no way transferred to the user who has access to the website and the user is not permitted to copy, transfer or distribute the content of the website.


d) FL will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided through the website is complete, correct, accurate and up-to-date. However, FL does not take any responsibility in case inaccuracies would occur. In these cases, or if certain information is not available, FL will rectify this as soon as possible. In case the user discovers certain inaccuracies in the information made available on the website, the user can always contact FL via


e) The content of the website, as well as any hyperlinks to websites of third parties, can be changed at any time without notice. The content of the website cannot and should not be used for any purposes whatsoever.


f) FL gives no guarantee regarding the proper functioning of its website and cannot be held liable in the event of (temporarily) not functioning or malfunctioning of its website. FL is in any event not responsible nor liable for the content or website of any third parties referred to on its website.


g) FL cannot be held responsible nor liable for direct or indirect damages caused by the access to or use of the website or by the information or recommendations mentioned on the website.


h) All disputes with or arising from the use of the website will exclusively be subject to Belgian law and the courts and tribunals of the judicial district of Brussels will be exclusively competent.

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